华星东方承建的云南省丽江生活垃圾发电项目烟气净化工程于2022年1月16日通过72+ 24小时试运行。The flue gas cleaning (FGC) project built by Huaxing East for Lijiang waste incineration plant in Yunnan province passed 72+24 hours trial operation on January 16, 2022.
该项目一期建设1台600t/d炉排炉式垃圾焚烧炉和1台额定12MW的凝汽式汽轮机和1台15MW发电机组,预留二期300t/d扩建场地。烟气处理采用SNCR+旋转喷雾半干法(Ca(OH)2)+碱液(NaOH)应急备用+干法(Ca(OH)2)+活性炭吸附+布袋除尘器+GGH+SCR+飞灰输送、储存及稳定化工艺,为我司EPC工程。Phase I of the plant has a 600 t/d grate incinerator, a condensate turbine rated 12 MW, and a 15 MW generator. Phase II is reserved at a 300 t/d site. The FGC adopts SNCR + rotary spray semi-dry process Ca(OH)2 + emergency spare of alkali liquor NaOH + dry process Ca(OH)2 + activated carbon adsorption + bag filter + GGH + SCR + fly ash conveying, storage and stabilization process. It is an EPC project of Huaxing.
华星东方在云南省的业绩涵盖包括:丽江、嵩明二期,景洪,西畴,昆明西山,昆明五华、红河哈尼族彝族自治州等多个项目。Huaxing East's achievements in YunNan Province include:Lijiang, Song Ming phase ii, Jinghong, Xichou, Kunming Xishan, Kunming Wuhua, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture etc.